S.No Date Topic Resource person
1 Dec 14th-16, 2017 Workshop on Techno Trendz & IOT Cloud Computing Dr.Niraj Upadhya, Professor. JB Institute of Engineering and Technology, Guntur,AndhraPradesh.
2 Jan 6th -8th, 2018 Workshop on Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking Dr.Panjala RajeshKumar, Professor & HOD, Velagapudi Siddhartha College of Engineering, Vijayawada, AndhraPradesh
3 May 8 to 10,2019 Conference on Supervised Machince Learning Dr.R.Kavitha, Professor & HOD, Siddhartha Institute of Technology and Science,Hyderabad
4 June 1st -5th, 2020 Workshop on IOT Applications Mrs.Priyanka Sehgal, Associate Professor , HOD, Vikas Group of Institutions Vijayawada, AndhraPradesh.
5 Oct 25tht to 29th,2021 Workshop on Digital Forensics and Cyber Security Dr.Vikas Nain, Professor, Siddhartha Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad, Telangana
6 Feb 21st -25th,2022 Workshop on Matlab and Its Applications In Image Processing Dr.M.Lavanya, Professor & HOD, Siddhartha Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad, Telangana